Hear me out, even though I’ve been out of my parents house for a little over 2 years, I’m still learning how to “adult”.
Last time I cooked and went to the grocery store on a schedule was when I was at home and the last 2 years have consisted of HELLA eating out and very little grocery shopping.
And because of my ADHD….. I went grocery shopping. Blacked out, had a full fridge and would end up throwing it out after having it sitting in my fridge for weeks.
So now I’m in a space where I want to make better food choices, I want to make better financial choices when it comes to food… and boy, it is a learning CURVE!
You may hear some ADHD folks having an “all or nothing” type of mindset and I definitely have it. Once I saw how much food I was wasting, I stopped getting a ton of groceries which resulted in almost no grocery shopping.
And before anyone asks… yes, I’ve tried food delivery services like HelloFresh in the past. They too, went bad.
But I am learning and appreciate all the feedback 🙂
Seems like most people do 2 big trips and shop weekly for little things they need outside of that.
What’s your system for grocery shopping?
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